Friday, April 30

are we any better?

from Yahoo! News:
"They keep asking why we hate them? Why we detest them? Maybe they should look well in the mirror and then they will hate themselves," said Khadija Mousa from Syria. "What I saw is very very humiliating. The Americans are showing their true image."

"The liberators are worse than the dictators. This is the straw that broke the camel's back for America," said Abdel-Bari Atwan on Friday, editor of the Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi.

This is, of course, in reference to the awful pictures of torture by the hands of US servicemembers that were broadcast by CBS news last night. You can bet that as a result of these pictures, there are hundreds, thousands, more pissed-off Arabs ready to die to kill us great Satans. I can't say I blame them.

These are war crimes people, they're nothing less. Those that committed them are war criminals. I have heard one of those that's been accused of participating claiming that they "didn't know" because their superiors didn't adequately train them in proper procedure, but it doesn't take Einstein to realize that stacking a bunch of naked, hooded prisoners into a human pyramid then leaning over it and smiling might, MIGHT, not be what general whoop-ti-doo might tel them if they did. No, what these service members did as wrong and we are all going to pay the price for it.

Things, of course, might be better if we were members of the world court and could hand these servicemembers over to the Hague and have them tried as the war criminals that they are, accept conviction and punishment (which would probably be the same as the ones they will receive here least I would hope so), and thereby make as much restitution to the world community as is possible in such a case as this. As it is, they will most ikely receive court marshalls, receive their punishment, and forever be seen as "getting away with it" by those that hate us (even more now). That air of legitimacy just isn't there when a country charges its own people with crimes against humanity under international law (sort of like what Saddam's trial will be like in Baghdad).


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