Monday, April 26

back in the summer a couple years after '69

This is sad. It's sad how the Republican bullshit machine is going after Kerry for his Vietnam war experience and now his possible throwing of medals or whatever at an anti-war rally. First off, because the guy has been very open about the fact that he opposed the Vietnam war when he got act of protest would only seem, um, kinda sorta logical, no?

But there's the issue of Kerry having at one time or another said he didn't do such a thing..."he lied!" the Republicans say. Um, where are those WMDs that were in all those pictures that Colin Powell showed to the UN security council? Thank you very much.

But to top everything is the simple matter of what George W. Bush was up to in the 70's. He wasn't fighting the war, he wasn't even protesting against it. He was doing anything but anything that was healthy for himself or the country... I mean, really.

I'll take throwing away military awards and lying about it over drinking, snorting cocaine, and dancing nude on a bar for responsibility, character, or any of that anyday thank you very much.


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