Sunday, April 4

even matt drudge needs to report this stuff

I find it funny how just about every day there's something horribly wicked that comes out about Bush and/or his administration and how Matt Drudge tends to sweep it under the rug as much as possible.

Today, it's an article about John Dean's (Nixon's legal counsel during the whole Watergate "thing") new book in which he writes that Bush is more corrupt than Nixon ever was. He tells the Telegraph:
"Bush and [Vice-President Richard] Cheney are a throwback to the Nixon time," Mr Dean, 65, told The Telegraph last night. "All government business is filtered through a political process at this White House, which is the most secretive ever to run the United States.

"This is not in the public's interest. It's in the White House's interest, and the interest of Bush's re-election. The White House is being run like a private business, with the difference that it is not accountable to the shareholders - in this case the voters."

In any case Drudge reports this sort of news not in his huge banner at the top of the page (where one might find "John Kerry caught on film picking his nose!" in big bold letters if such a thing were to come to pass) but down below, lost in the snippets here and there...and with spin. For this one he writes: "BUSH IS THE 'MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT', SAYS NIXON AIDE JAILED FOR WATERGATE PERJURY...". Note how he makes a point of discrediting the guy while reporting the statement. He's not just mentioned as having been Nixon's counsel (in fact, he's demoted to "aide") or having been jailed for his role, but also makes a point to point out it was for perjury, lying under oath.

You know, if this was just some nut with a website that'd be fine. And even though it is a nut with a fantastically popular website it's cool...Most people know of the DrudgeReport's leanings to the right and he has every right in the world to have those leanings and spout his BS to the world (heck, I check his site daily). The thing is, this seems to be the nature of the entirety of the Bush campaign for re-election...slander Kerry with bogus claims, try to tack on typical Republican attack buzz words like "anti-American" and "tax and spend liberal", and drag anyone that says anything not positive about Bush through the mud. There's no rebuttle on substance on any of these nearly daily charges of people who know something, there's only "well he was in charge of unearthing terrorist plots when the Cole was bombed so what does he know?" and "he was convicted of perjury so you can't listen to him". That's sad. It brings down the office of the presidency.

And as for John Dean's opinion...considering the man worked for Nixon, I think he should know a thing or two about's sorta like Satan commenting on the August heat.


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