Tuesday, April 20


Mumblings of the draft

I just erased the long string of obsenities that occupied this space for the last hour because having calmed down I wanted to coment on one thing. Namely, something that Sen. Hagel said:

"There's not an American ... that doesn't understand what we are engaged in today and what the prospects are for the future...Why shouldn't we ask all of our citizens to bear some responsibility and pay some price?" Hagel said, arguing that restoring compulsory military service would force "our citizens to understand the intensity and depth of challenges we face."

I have an idea...why don't we institute the draft only for those that actually support Bush and his warmongering and actually vote for the guy this November? Like everyone between the ages of 18 and 25 who shows up and votes Bush gets handed a card telling the time and date they show up at the airport to have their heads shaved and asses dragged to the desert. Hell, not even the 18 to 25 year-olds...make it anyone in fighting health that so strongly believes that what we're doing over there is justified, let alone honorable or right. Fuck it, it's about time they put their skins where their mouths are...instead of driving around with flags plastered on their SUVs they should be over there taking one for the Gipper...or "Gumper"...I like that name for Bush...


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