Wednesday, April 14

just a rant

Like I said in my last post, sorry I haven't updated in's just been one of those weeks you know? Like today, I had a couple suprise days off last week on Thursday and Friday. Well, I had been planning on having my 15-year-old brother come and spend the night on Saturday so we could hang out and stuff, but I called we changed it to Thursday night (given tha he was on Spring Break). So anyway, all day Thursday and Friday until 6:30 or so we ended up watching Dawn of the Dead at the movie theater as well as five or six DVDs back at my place. We went to the mall twice to go to the arcade and stuff and rode across town twice on the bus to get there. On Thursday night our middle brother came over and we played cards, ordered pizza and otherwise had a brothers' night and, well, it all wore me out...

I spent Saturday recouping, Sunday at my aunt's for Easter and then work on Monday and Tuesday. Of course, that in itself wouldn't be so bad but for the fact that my roommate got in at 5 in the morning on Monday and promptly lit up a cigarette in his room which then filled his air with smoke, sending it into the heating ducts into my room, thusly waking me up at 5 in the fucking morning. For an hour or so I laid there, thinking I was trying to get back to sleep but in reality was thinking about how I was going to find me a new roommate who isn't so galactically retarded to think that jobs are growing on trees (and thus he can just quit jobs because he doesn't like them as I wrote about last week or whatever) and that the bedrooms in 100 year old houses are airtight (and that non-smokers actually enjoy the smell of second-hand smoke at five in the morning). Fuck. Now I've gone and pissed myself off again....

Anyway, because I was so tired due to my roommate being a complete and total asshole and retard I made the mistake of taking a nap on Monday when I got home from work...this of course made it so that I couldn't get to sleep until 2 in the morning that night, even after trying all the tricks I know for getting myself to sleep.

So today is actually a blessing in disguise I guess since I really needed to get some sleep and was able to sleep in today until 10 or so (after having woken at 7am like I keep doing on my days off lately because I'm too used to getting upa t 6:30) so I feel much better. I do wish I had more steady work however. I've been working for two months now and am already behind about $1000 or more due to rather frequent work shortages. That's to say, if I'd been working every day I would have at least an extra thousand lying around, or rather, working to take down some of my debt. As it is, I am making enough to live off of, plus some (I have about $400 saved up but that's it), but it's nothing like what I wanted. So now I'm looking for jobs where I can reasonably expect to work my 40 hours or whatever every week without having to worry about running out of stuff to do and therefore losing days of work... least it means I'm making little enough to file for a economic deferment on my student loans. Hey, which reminds me, did you know that even if you were stupid and applied for forbearance on student loans (and therefore were accumulating interest) while on unemployment and later figure out that you could have gotten a deferrment where the government would have paid for most of your interest, that you can file paperwork that retroactively takes back your interest? It's awesome.

Anyway, just needed to rant a bit and also to explain why I haven't been around much. I just checked the stats too and I always feel guilty when I see people have been visiting and I haven't been posting. Sorry.


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