Tuesday, April 13

the news of tomorrow, printed today

What a sad commentary it is when The Onion prints a satirical piece that one year later is more or less the truth. Read this, which is from March of 2003 and tell me that this exact same conversion is not being had in coffeehouses and diners all over the friggen place. I mean, the Iraq war has come down to those of us who have been against it from the beginning (and the millions of converts to our side) being able to make rational arguments evidenced by newstories that fill the front pages of every newspaper and fill fifteen of the thurty mintues alloted by the networks for national news each night...versus those that still support the war saying "uh, no. You're wrong. Move to Canada" or some such bullshit.

But the Onion, a year ago, called it out precisely. That's a better track record than the CIA has going for it.

...oh, and sorry I haven't posted for awhile...it's been an extraordinarily long week or so for me. I hope it settles down soon.


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