Tuesday, April 6

thank you president bush

Depending on the news reports, between 13 and 17 US troops died today in Iraq as well as 7 yesterday and 11 on Sunday which marked the beginning of an uprisig among the Shiite population of Iraq, a group that until now has remained placid and willing to tolerate American presence as a means to the end of Saddam's regime. Thirty-seven Americans, dead in three days as a result of our waging war in Iraq. And this is just the beginning, now that the Shiites have started to rebel, there's no reason to think that they'll stop -- these sorts of daily casualities, I fear, are going to be considered low three months from now as the violence continues to escalate.

As a result, more US troops will be sent into Iraq along with more resources and more money...resources that would be better served fighting terrorism so that all Americans (and all the world) can be a little bit safer than serving to cover Bush's ass for making the as-to-yet meglomaniacal blunder of the millenium in diverting the "the war on terror" to the sands of Babylon in the first place. So, we have more troops dead and potentially more dead in terrorist attacks...committed by the thousands of new terrorists pissed off to the point of suicidal rage because of our action hither and tither around the globe.

Yes, people are going to die and we have much to thank our President for that. And that's why I thank him with every drop of cynicism and, dare I say, hate in my heart. Many (including Dean and Kennedy) have lately compared him disfavorably with Nixon as of late and I think that that's almost a compliment.


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