Sunday, April 4

a veep sooner than usual

According to the New York Times, the Kerry Camp is planning on coming up with a running mate well before the usual annocement time of the month of the convention. There is just so much room for error here...I hope Kerry doesn't do something stupid.

There has been talk of Hillary Clinton being a running mate (though not in this article) but that would be disasterous as it would only make to anger many conservatives in the same way that democrats are angered by W. which is one of Kerry's strong points. A nobody like Richardson of New Mexico (well, not a nobody if you pay atention, but to the vast majority of Americans a nobody) or the like will not do much good. A soft spoken, likeable type like John Edwards would be good because he could take on the "southern charm" vote that's one of Bush's strong points. But the person I would most like to see is John McCain.

How brilliant would that be? I mean, if it could happen it would be a landslide victory for Kerry. Not only would you get the Bush-haters onboard, but you'd also get that rather large segment of the population that's distrustful of Bush but also weary of John "the tax and spend liberal" Kerry. In a sense, the liberals would have John Kerry and the moderates would have John McCain -- two high profile and decorated Vietnam vets mind you -- whereas the conservatives (those that haven't been turned off completely by Bush's fiscal and civil rights policies) would be all that Bush has left. It'd be a crushing that wouldn't even require the Supreme Court to mettle in. That'd be grand.

Oh's Saturday night and I'm thinking politics...must mean I'm drunk. :)


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