Saturday, May 29

still offline

Well, actually, I'm online right now at home on my computer...but I haven't been able to turn it on for the past three days or so because the stupid thing can't find my operating system. Now it can suddenly...yay. But it probably won't again come tomorrow or the next day I'm sure so I'm just posting to say that.

ehehe...not much going on in my life this past week though. I started work again on Tuesday which should last a few weeks, and have been running around like a chicken with his head cut off ever since. It is swell to be getting my 8 miles of bicycling in every day on my way home (for some reason it's about a hundred times easier when I have a destination) and also that the rain hasn't been falling like it was.

As a side note, I have heard that Lake Michigan rose TWO INCHES in a FIVE DAY span of time in the last week because of all the rain that the Midwest has been getting lately. The total was something like TRILLIONS of gallons of rain water. That's crazy.


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