Thursday, June 24


I feel like posting, but I don't feel like posting anything. You know? Everything still seems to be going wrong in my life, but I'm dealing. My computer is still not willing to boot up (which brings it to a full five days now) and I haven't been able to sleep all that well (and annoyingly waking up between an hour and five minutes before my alarm goes off every day, robbing me of precious sleep). Blech.

What sucks the most about all this is that I have no idea what's going on in large parts of my life and throughout the world around me. I mean, I'm trying to make a living off of the internet, but it's "kind of" hard when your Sony-made piece of SHIT (so-called computer) won't let you on. I am, by any definition of the term, a news junkie, and I can't get it like I want to because of this. That, and I don't know where I am in a couple too many different relationships with people at this moment. It sucks.


Oh, and here's a roommate update (I'm still looking for anyone looking for a room to rent in Grand Rapids Michigan if any googlers are out there)....The asswipe that got pissed off at me for turning the heater back on when it dipped down to 40 degrees -- you know, got all pouty and gave me the silent treatment for a week while bitching about me to anyone and everyone. Well, he was running the air conditioner (I pay for electricity) as I was putting on my fleece to walk through the cool (fifty degree) evening to get to the library. What kind of a fucking prick is that, eh? Ass hole.

Oh well, that's enough.


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