Tuesday, June 8

school days, school daze

Is it wrong that a lot of my excitement about going back to school this Fall is rooted in the fact that the cost of living numbers used in determining my loans and financial aid include a total of $1200 a month or so which is roughly $300 more than I budget my life at currently? That is, that I will make $300 more per month by studying and not working than I currently do by working. Of course, a lot of that is in student loans which I will eventually have to pay back at some point, but still....

Add to that the $500+/month I've been able to milk off my internet ventures ($85 today alone)and perhaps a night or two a week working in a bar and I might be able to pull in well over $2000 a month with barely putting any time in on a punch card. How messed up is that?

Not that I'll be complaining.....

Problem is that I haven't yet applied. I can probably still get into this Fall's semester if I want to, but that would require me to take morning classes throughout my three years in school...If I started in January, I'd have fewer people in my classes, less competition, and classes in the Afternoons instead of morning. I mean, the January starting date sounds great, but I want the money NOW. Oh well, I will be able to manage somehow, I'm sure. I always seem to.


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