Friday, July 30

he's here! he's here!

Our supreme and glorious leader, heir to the throne of David, holder of the sceptor of truth, wisdom, and the American Way; our esteemed father, protector of the children, he who stands tall in the swift current of inequity, holding aloft the firey sword of vengance mightily in his right fist, clutching an olive branch of peace in his left; Our all-knowing lord and savior, our beneveolent life-giver, and juror of right and wrong; our epitomal idol of all that is good, ethical, and pure in this world and in the next, Herr Fuehrer George W. Bush is two blocks away at this very moment and all I want to do is be there, front and center, holding a big sign high above my 6-foot-seven frame that reads as everyone's favorite Vice President might say:

Go Fuck Yourself

I'm not though. I'm here in the library typing this....which is just as well since Gitmo is too hot for me this time of year...maybe if he swings around mid-October or so....

In related news, guess who I get to meet on Monday? Yup, that's right...the next president of the United States, John Kerry. Being a good little volunteer and all, I got a special ticket that puts me in line to shake his hand. So here's something for a comment box discussion: What should I say?


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