Monday, September 13

the 10 year nightmare is over!

For ten years now, hunters have had to make do with only ten shots per clip in their semi-automatic assault rifles which sucks when it it takes at least twenty bullets to take down one of today's super-deer. But today the assault weapons ban expired and we can all go out and buy 30 bullet clips as well as assualt weapons loaded to the hilt with pistol grips, bayonet mounts, flash suppressors, and retractable stocks...all of them surely necessary to kill wildlife in a very legal way.

...It's funny how in a country that cowers (or rather, rushes to Home Depot to stock up on duct tape and plastic sheeting) at the mere mentioning of "terrorism"; in a country where the last two elections have focused themselves almost entirely on safety issues; in a country where people are more concerned about the possiblity of a madman maybe wanting to possibly use weapons of mass destruction that he may have possibly researched the eventual commission of studies into the someday production of than they are about unemployment, health crises, and budget explosions; in a country that is, in a word, paranoid...we let a piece of legislation that is common sense in it's ability to deter violence lapse.

Sure, Dubya has said he would sign it if passed on to him from Congress, but it's not as if he pushed them to. Heck, I'd fuck Alysson Hannigan if given the chance, but I'm not exactly asking her out or anything.

This is backwards...and the saddest thing of all is that the people most concerned with security don't care.


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