Friday, September 24

blog stuff

I've added a couple of things to the blog here. First, there's now an XML feed if anyone's interested in syndicating this site. I was asked if I had one by someone that wanted to use it a few months ago and just now got around to setting it up. So there.

Second, I added a link to the new wwdn soapbox (now called teh soapbox) since Wil Wheaton decided that he couldn't devote enough time to the board on his site. Anyway, I'm writing this because I know that there are members of that board that read this blog and maybe haven't been around the last week to have heard of the move, and to invite any readers of this blog that aren't already members to swing by and sign up. There are a lot of cool monkeys there talking about just about anything and everything (and I mean everything *wink* *wink*) and it's about the only board I've managed to be able to stand (let alone like) for two full years. Anyway...


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