Monday, September 27

good ol mellisa

You know that idiot woman Mellisa Williamson? The one that I posted the Roanoke newspaper picture of smoking a cigarette while complaining that the sounds of jackhammers are going to hurt her unborn child? Yeah, I just found out that if you type her name into Yahoo's search engine (and assuming that her spelling really is "Mellisa Williamson" and not "Melissa Williamson" as most Melissas spell their name), I'm number three. This excites me. I hope she does it some time and sees my comments and realizes just how stupid she is for putting her kid at risk like that. Of coure, it doesn't really matter because that picture (and similar commentary) is making it's way through the blogosphere anyway and I probably wouldn't be surprised to see it on Leno at some point either. It really pisses me off to see that.


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