Thursday, September 16

my unenthusiastic support

I don't think I can stand John Kerry anymore. It sucks, because I hate George W. Bush with just about every fiber of my being (or, rather, hate the cronies behind W. like Ashcroft and Rumsfeld and Cheney and Wolfowitz) but I have just lost any passion I may have had for Kerry.

I mean, I was a reluctant Dean supporter at first...liking what the guy had to say but weary of his ability to win a national election. When he faltered, I started hoping that Edwards would be able to pull ahead, but when Kerry ended up doing it I succomed to the fact and accepted that at least he was the most statesman-like of the lot of them. I mean, all I really cared about was Bush getting beat.

And so I jumped on the Kerry bandwagon. I signed up for the campaign. Heck, I'm a friggen team leader in charge of a group of door-to-door knockers (if the campaign would call me...I haven't heard anything from them in a month...rather disorganized). Anyway, I knew nothing about the guy except what he looked like on tv and what he had to say when making a victory speech after a win in whatever the state primary of the week was. It didn't matter. I would have supported whoever could beat Bush.

I listened to Kerry's speeches, I read much on his website, I started to come to like some of his ideas and started actually liking him for him, and not just for the fact that he is not George W. Bush. After the convention I was pretty excited even...I thought that maybe this was some guy that I would actually like to have as president, not just some guy I'd settle with to make sure that the douchebag extraordinaire was back in Texas reading kids' books to sheep and making millions from the Carlyle Gorup for his warmongering/profiteering over the past three years.

It's gone now. John Kerry has said ome boneheaded things. He would have gone into Iraq, it turns out...he wasn't against it as he said he was. He wants to give tax cuts to corporations. He doesn't want to repeal the facist-dictatorship permitting Patriot Act. He doesn't want to take a stand on anything and fight for it...and that just rattles my paranoid bones, makes me worried that he is nothing more than a corporate stooge not that unlike Bush. I mean, in 2000 I had a bumper sticker on my car that read "Bush/Gore 2000" because I honestly didn't see much difference between their philosophies. I'm just not seeing that much difference here either. Not any more.

Granted, I will be voting for Kerry in November, but I will be doing so with a heavy heart and maybe with a little throw-up in my mouth because I will be doing so for all the wrong reasons. I will be doing so only for the reason that George W. Bush is the biggest fuckup to ever hold the office of President and the most sadistic, war-mongering bastard at that. It will be a protest vote against something and not a proactive voice of affirmation that a vote in a democratic republic should be. Not only that, but I won't have a whole lot of confidence after the fact that things will get any better. They may very well not get any worse (and the likes of Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and Cheney will forever be just a memory/nightmare in the national consciuosness), but it won't be the U-turn back to better times that I was hoping it might be.


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