Tuesday, September 7

no place like home

I've been homeless now for about a week, tonight being the seventh night in a row I have slept at my parents. It sucks. It sucks being twenty miles North of nowhere and noweher is where all of my friends are at. It sucks having to listen to constant noise of two dogs fighting and my hard of hearing dad constantly asking my step-mother who has to constantly talk about one thing or another to repeat the last thing she said. It sucks that I am eating crap food again since my parents are all about convenience food and not at all about health (not to say they haven't tried to talk me into the Atkin's crap that they're into, just that they don't exercise, eat well, or do much of anything that's healthy).

But it sucks most that I am realizing just how annoying I can be. The girl friend whom I would like to call girlfriend has many times over the past month or two complained that I am "too nosey". Though I know I ask a lot of questions of just about everyone, I didn't even really think of myself as being too intrusive with them and, as such, not really nosey...just..."curious". But living here for a week, I have come to full terms with just how annoying my curiosity can be, my father and 16-year-old brother being nosey as well. Holy crap in the Pope's hat I can't do a damn thing without being questioned around here...not in any sort of paranoid, malignant, or overtly intrusive way, but just in a sort of "way do you care" sort of way...like, "it's none of your business, it has absolutely nothing to do with you, just please let me live my life in peace, okay?" I want to go to my room and read -- someone will ask me what I'm reading. I want to stop by a friend's house after borrowing the car to bring my 25-yo brother home -- I'm asked who, where, and for how long. I am typing on the computer -- I'm asked what I'm writing or to whom.

It's FUCKING annoying. If I had longer hair, I'd be pulling it out (I guess I'm more worried about balding than I thought...I found a picture I took of my bald spot while uploading protest pictures from my camera).

I hate when it takes others acting the way that you do to figure out how bad you're acting. I suppose it's good to know though, eh? At least now I can work on myself.


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