Thursday, September 23

nobody likes me...

The reults of my SelectSmart presidential matching quiz thingy:

Your Results:

1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%)
2. Cobb, David - Green Party (75%)
3. Nader, Ralph - Independent (75%)
4. Brown, Walt - Socialist Party (65%)
5. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (63%)
6. Bush, President George W. - Republican (27%)
7. Badnarik, Michael - Libertarian (25%)
8. Peroutka, Michael - Constitution Party (20%)

As you can see, no one really even comes close. I could vote third party or independent, but there's no one to get excited about there either. But, you can see that me and Dubya do agree a whole 27% of the time, which is probably the result of my abortion and guns feelings, but then again, "my man" Kerry is a whole 63%. Whoopity-do!

There haven't been any comments for over a week here, so your assignment for the day is to take the quiz and POST A COMMENT DAMMIT!!!



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