Sunday, September 5

still an intp

Since I'm on the internet all day today, checking out links and reading through some of what I've written in the past, I ended up looking at the INTP page that I have linked to on my stats page. It is incredible how much that things applies to me, especially on the relationships page (which pretty much lists all the difficulities that I seem to have in every sort of relationship that exists in my life -- especially in my constant analyzing things which seems to put people off...but I can't help it). Anyway, so I took a test again and found that nothing has changed...which I guess makes sense since the description fit me, but anyway...

Does anyone else out there know where they are? I am really interested in this thing because, well, it has me so pegged it's ridiculous. I almost wish I could go around with a printout of everything I've ever read about INTPs and have people read it to understand me...because it would save me heaps of energy in trying to explain myself all the time...

...which, of course, leads me to the request that if you know me in real life and are reading this, please read'll save us both a bunch of grief.


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