Friday, October 1

the debates

I watched the debates tonight and I would have to call it a draw (slightly leaning towards Kerry). John Kerry did a fantastic job and sounded as lucid as he ever has. It was good of him to come out and admit that it was stupid to say what he has said about his flip-flopping on Iraq...and hopefully his "change of heart" makes as much sense to people as it has to me all along. He seemed poised and rather presidential, even when Bush was speaking he looked to be listening, thinking, and taking notes. And that is a good thing.

...especially since that, I think, was Bush's biggest mistake. While Kerry was speaking, you could often see him smirking and making all those ridiculous faces that he always makes (the DNC has made a video of Bush's faces last night for their site), some of them not very flattering, and rather unpresidential (at least in comparison to the demeanor of Kerry). I also did not find a lot of substance in much of what he said. He repeated himself a bunch too (though so did Kerry). And, of course, there were his usual gaffes. In all, I don't think he did badly, but he did less good than Kerry. I think though that it is fair to call it a draw.

That is a good thing though. Bush is currently president and people know where he stands. They know his demeanor, his personality, and they know where he stands on the issues (to some extent -- my post of yesterday goes to show that it isn't as well as it should be). Even more important, people think (for some reason) that Bush is presidential and a good commander in chief...even if there's disagreement on his policies. Polls all along have seemed to show that people didn't know what to think of Kerry, that they were weary of dumping Bush for someone they're not sure to be "presidential enough". A draw in the debate then goes to show that both men are "presidential" in the minds of Americans (I hate calling Bush presidential, I really do), and therefore goes to suggest that people can rest more easily, loosen some of their qualms, and go his way.

I don't think that the debate will lose Bush much support, if any, but I think it will gain Kerry a little bit. Nothing that was said would make an undecided voter jump on the Bush band-wagon, but enough was seen to make people less uneasy about Kerry, and that's all a challenger needs in a presidential election these days.


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