Monday, October 18

knowing when to quit

One of the most important lines you can learn to distinguish in life is that between what you can do something about and what you can't. Most people, in my experience, suck at finding that line and suck even more at controlling themselves and acting appropriately to the side of the line they find themselves on. People fight for that which they cannot change, and quit fighting before the cause is lost.*

Count Tucker Carlson (the conservative/bowtie guy on CNN's Crossfire) in on those that don't know when to quit. He was spanked like a monkey last week when Jon Stewart was on (as I wrote about yesterday or whenever), and he just didn't get it. He still doesn't -- saying that Jon Stewart looked "ridiculous" on the show, a term that more accurately describes his childish navitiy. Oh well.

*to be fair, I still have much to learn about that line in several aspects of life (especially the romantic sphere)...just so no one thinks I'm being too preachy or anything.


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