Friday, October 1

more thoughts on the big debate

I called it a draw last night with some leanings towards Kerry. It seems that the media, blogosphere, and public have more or less deemed it a Kerry victory (not a smashing victory, but a victory nonetheless) I guess I "misunderestimated" Kerry's peformance. Anyway, in thinking about the debate I realized that last night's was about foriegn policy and the war on terrah, those issues that Bush holds onto in popularity polls. In actuality, they are the only issues where Bush leads Kerry and have been from the beginning of the campaign. And yet Kerry won.

The next debate, next week, is a town hall sort of thing where the issues raised could be just about anything. This should offer Kerry an excellent opportunity to continue answering peoples' questions in the straight-forward manner that he did last night. These sorts of venues (assuming this "town hall" debate will be like others where audience members ask the questions) tend to have people ask questions out of anger, and what are people angry about? Their kids dying in Iraq, their jobs floating off to India, and that sort of thing.

The third debate, however, will be Kerry's to lose. It is intended to focus on domestic issues like the economy and health care and all that...the sorts of things that Kerry seems to be more popular with and the things that Bush especially sounds like a retard about. It should be good. If Kerry can beat Bush on Bush's turf, it should be interesting to see what how Kerry can handle Bush on Kerry's turf.

My birthday is the day after the election and unless Kerry really screws up, it's looking like it may be a very happy birthday after all (especially if I can get a Scalia-style orgy going on the night before. hoo-ah!).


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