Wednesday, October 27

political irony

Remember how Dick and Lynne Cheney threw a hissy-fit because John Kerry had the "audacity" to mention their daughter's name in the third debate in his attempt to explain his position on homosexuality's choice-status? You know how Bush is currently invoking the names of John F. Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt to claim that Kerry doesn't carry the Democratic torch that they did?

Yeah. That's pissing off JFK's daughter, Caroline Schlossburg. It seems to me that she has a point, and it's pretty dirty of Bush to be doing so after all that post-debate crap...especially considering that was just a one time, spur of the moment, deal while Bush's comments are now a part of the stump speech he makes seventeen times a day.

I don't expect him to stop it just doesn't seem presidential in the way that the word "presidential" has come to mean in the past three and a half years.


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