Sunday, October 24

random rant time

I just clicked a link to this feminist article and it makes me pissed off as hell. It is utter bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit as modern over-the-top feminism often is. From the article:

Men do not care if females are their equals everywhere as long as they stay the "superiors -- the ones in charge, the ones on top -- in the bedroom." Cat calls, sexual innuendos and rape -– disturbingly present at this University -- represents the claim by men to superiority.

I consider myself a moderate feminist in that I believe in the equality of men and women, boys and girls. I strive to not treat women as sex objects and instead as people just as me. I don't care if it's in the bedroom or not...I never put myself out to be a "superior". I am sick and fucking tired of hearing this shit spew from feminists because I and my almost 28 years of loneliness am living proof that the female gender is just fine at saying that they want this sort of thing, but completely unable to accept it when they see it. Instead I am told that I'm "unassertive" or "too shy" or otherwise told by women that it's unattractive to not be (or at least act like I am) in a position of control in a relationship.


(and yes, this is edited to remove the vitriol that was here because it wasn't right case you notice the difference)

But while I'm at it, I may as well vent my general frustrations right here, right now.

1. I am fucking sick and tired of my step-mom's over-the-top passive-aggressiveness. It is one thing to make the occasional snide comment to make a point or whatever, but to do so as your primary means of communication is bad. Very bad.

2. I am sick of worrying that my father is going to be dead within the next ten years because he eats three servings of meat and nothing else for practically every meal, chooses to drive to visit the neighbors a quarter-mile down the road instead of walks, and refuses to visit any doctor anywhere despite the fact that he's over fifty and has cancer in the family history.

3. I am also rather sick and tired of discovering all these annoying little traits that I share with my father. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad to death, but I do not want to travel down the same road of life that he has...something I've found myself doing for the last three or four years. The timidity, the annoyingness, the passiveness, the lack of drive, the apathy about life is just not something that I want to carry on in my life anymore.

4. I am sick of the fucking presidential campaign. Both sides are becoming more ridiculous by the day and given my insane hatred of George W. Bush, I can't handle it anymore. My aorta is going to burst.

5. I don't know.


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