Tuesday, October 26

a request for dubya

Please shut the hell up. You are full of it and you are hurting America with your bullshit. You are polarizing the country to its extremes, pushing all the crazies into the corners as you create a mad rush for moderation. That's not good. The nation's gonna pop. Soon.

Not only that, but you are pissing off enough of the Middle East to put us in even more danger of terrorism than we ever were. 380 tons of explosives are in the hands of the terrorists now because of your lousy planning (the war was meant to prevent the terrorists from getting that shit, wasn't it?). That guy Zarqawi has gone from being so off the radar the CIA thought he was dead before the war, to being resposnible for the deaths of American troops, Iraqi civilians, and the beheadings that are all the rage.

So please just go away and never come back. That'd be good. That'd be sweet. Just go. Go far, far away.


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