Tuesday, October 12

sinclair broadcast group v. kerry

This is really pissing me off. I hope that the politicians in Washington have enough balls to completely revoke Sinclair's liscense to broadcast if they show this two-hour anti-Kerry ad on television against FEC and FCC regulations (The FCC stating that use of airwaves is meant to serve the public good and that propogandizing the owners' political beliefs is not in the public good -- if they were cable it would be okay).

Anyway, I am currently writing each and every national advertiser that buys time with any or all Sinclair channels and threatening a boycott of their products...and following through (which really hurts with the Leinenkugel and Pilsner Urquell which both, I just read, are owned or imported by Miller which advertises). A list of companies can be found at this blog or right here (I doubt they'd care if I re-printed, but if they do I'll take it off):

Halls Fruit Breezers
Sylvan Learning Centers
Kentucky Fried Chicken
ITT Technical Institute *
Ford Motor Company
Yahoo DSL
Taco Bell
Warner Brothers * (many Sinclair owned stations are WB stations)
Century 21
Zigzagzone.com *
Cnn.com *
General Motors
Mountain Dew
Titan TV *
Iams (this one breaks my heart, I'll tell you)
Miller Lite
Ringling Brothers (coming to Lexington, KY)
Oak Express
ABC Solutions
Kentucky Lottery
Florida Lottery
Lincoln Mercury
H&R Block

**UPDATE**: Here is a much better, complete list with contact info.


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