Monday, November 1

another past halloween

Okay, I ended up going to my Halloween party on Saturday wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt and when people asked, saying I was "Canadian". It got a couple laughs...but I think they were more sympathy than anything. Then again, maybe people thought it was funny, given it was me at Halloween. I mean, last year I went to a "famous death" Halloween party wearing a Soviet military hat on my head and a toy submarine "Kursk" on a string around my neck. Lame, right? The year before I took a plain white t-shirt and wrote "Halloween Costume" on the front of it with a magic marker. Lamer.

This year I was going to go completely tasteless and political...dressing up as an Abu Ghraib prisoner with a Bush campaign button on to solidify my point. I decided that it was just too mean, disrespectful, and tasteless...even for me. Then I saw this.

I'm evil because I chuckled.


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