Monday, November 1

an interesting poll

Zogby and MTV's Rock the Vote have performed a rather unique Mobile SMS survey and got some interesting results. Of the 6039 registered young voters (between the ages of 18-29), 55% are supporting Kerry and 40% are supporting Bush (this with a +/-1.2 MOE). This goes to show just how important it is for Kerry that younger voters also goes to show again how the lack of reach that pollsters have to mobile-only users may be way off (these numbers are significant enough to lead to a two or three point pro-Kerry shift).

More importantly however, the poll found that only 2.3% of those polled plan on not voting and 0.5% are not sure. In other words, 97.2% of those polled plan on voting. Granted, this is run through Rock the Vote and those polled were those that opted into RTV's update system, so they have already expressed some political activity, so that number may be high, but...

The highest turnout numbers in recent years is slightly above 40%. I doubt the turnout will even approach 97.2%, but wouldn't it be cool if it did get up there to like 60%?

(the answer is yes)


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