Saturday, December 4

and the pc language police said...

The top ten Politically Correct words of 2004 according to the Global Language Monitor:

  1. Master/Slave in terms of computers

  2. Non-same sex marriage ("traditional"/heterosexual marriage)

  3. Waitron (gender-neutral waiter/waitress)

  4. Red Sox lover (Yankee hater)

  5. Higher Power (God)

  6. Progressive (liberal)

  7. Incurious (rather than idiot/moron/retard when it comes to W.)

  8. Insurgents (rather than the incorrect "terrorists" in Iraq)

  9. Baristas (waitrons)

  10. First year student (freshmen/frosh)

If I may be a bit un-PC for a moment: This list is gay. "Higher Power" a PC term? Um, no, not really. "Progressive" a term for liberal? Sorry, but they're different and I didn't see them that confused during the election. "Baristas" are servers (of coffee generally, but servers nonetheless).

Then again, even though I never heard the term -- "non-same sex marriage"? WTF?

...and I'll stick with retard/fascist/warpig/asswipe/sonuvabitch when it comes to the president, thank you very much.


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