Tuesday, December 14

the best cause ever, just in time for christmas

One of the greatest fears that I have of ever becoming a parent is that there would be something wrong with my child. Putting up with a "bad egg" would be bad, putting up with the death of a young child would be almost unbareable, but I think even worse than that would be dealing with a child who will always have not just an uphill climb in life, but a 2000-foot cliff. If my kid had severe learning disabilities or was blind and deaf, or was born with severe birth defects (like missing limbs) I think I would love them more, but it would be a hurtful sort of love because I wouldn't help but feel that they will always be judged unfairly by society and never even be given the chance to begin thinking about living to their full potential. I would always fear that they would be seen as freaks and nothing else...dismissed by everyone for being so radically different in a world fixated on the vain and external.

As such, stories of severe defects and adversity always pull at my heart-strings. I want to do everything in the world to just make things normal for these kids...or as normal as they can be. I have never felt this more than the story of Juliana from Jacksonville, Fl., a girl born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a kid born without a face.

She was born missing 30-40% of the bones in her face, no eye sockets, her mouth severely deformed; she eats through her stomach and breathes through a trache tube; people stare at her. She's had 14 surgeries in her first 20 months to correct her problems, but she may need as many as 30 more -- surgeries that cost money, money that the insurance company can't come up with completely, money that the parents need desparately.

If I had money, I would give all I could to help this little girl out. I don't have money, however, and so the best I can do is use this space to ask that anyone that reads this consider doing so themselves. Donations can be sent or wired to:

Vystar Credit Union
PO Box 45085
Jacksonville, FL 32232

Account number 2102465
Wire routing number 263079276

The original broadcast video of this story (which also includes information for how to set up your own fundraiser) can be found here.


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