Friday, December 10

i hope so

MoveOn has spoken, telling the Democratic Party that they are taking over. I really hope that this happens. The Democratic Party has moved way too far to the right in it's attempts to appease corporate America to tap into it's fundage. MoveOn proved during this last election cycle that The Man®'s money don't mean shit. That when enough of us liberal and progressive types get together, we can move mountains financially...and all we need is an organization to take that energy and focus it into forward momentum. The Democratic Party, as it is organized and run now, is a failure as a vehicle towards change.

What this country needs is three, four, five, or more parties with different viewpoints and opinions to create debate and thereby progress. What we have is one party with two faces...a return to two parties would bring us closer to more.

I hate the Democratic Party almost as much as the Republican. In some ways -- that logical, dutiful, stubborn side of me -- I hate it even more because it has no spine or underlying philosophy. We need that, even if that philosophy is change itself. I could get behind a party like that, I could stand up and fight with a mechanism in place.


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