Wednesday, December 15

the values of george w. bush

Do you remember September 11? You know, when those terrorists hijacked the planes and flew them into the twin towers in New York (and the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, but remembering those planes seems so passe these days), knocking them down? Remember that? Of course you do, if not because it was so traumatic an experience for all of us, because Bush and his cronies (and the Republican Party in general) have a one-track mind in that direction everytime they speak. Bush lives, drinks, eats, breathes, swims in, dreams of, and otherwise is fully occupied in thought, word, and deed with the events of that morning...or so it seems.

Until Tom Ridge stepped down as Secretary of Homeland Security.

Very quickly, Bush nominated a replacement for Ridge. He was Bernard Kerik, commissioner of the New York City police department during 9/11 and to say he was a huge supporter of everything Bush has ever down in terms of terrorism, war, and civil libertites would seem to be an understatement. He was recommended personally by that superstar of Republican politics, Rudy Giuliani.

It didn't take long for the stories to go flying. Kerik, it seems, besides just having a look that was mob-like actually did have ties to the mob. He didn't pay taxes for his illegal immigrant babysitter either. There are questions about whether his first two marriages overlapped (subscription required). It turns out that he not only was cheating on his wife at one point, but he was cheating on his mistress and his wife at the same time. And, The New York Times (subscription required - sorry) is reporting that the guy used an apartment donated to the 9/11 rescue effort to give workers there a place to rest, a place that overlooked that most venerable spot in Republican folklore, ground zero, as his own personal love nest to have one of his affairs.

Yes, that's right. Bush, who never stops thinking about (or at least talking about) the tragedy of 9/11 nominated a man who spat on that tragedy to get a little poontang on the side of his mistress and wife.

Is it possible that no one knew about this before? Certainly. But the guy is crazy, a man can not cheat on his mistress, hire an illegal immigrant, have mob ties, and all this shit without bringing up a little stink when he walks in the room, if you know what I mean. It seems that his questionableness when it came to his ethics and morals didn't matter when he was brought into the national spotlight. All that mattered was that he supported the president without fail.

Those, my friends, are the values of this president. So many people that did so, claimed they voted for the man because he shared their values. If those are the new American values, this country is fucked.

I can say no more.


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