Thursday, January 13

the bad color

I just discovered the Buy Blue website via See the Forest and wanted to pass it along to those that read this and feel as I do about the political climate of this country (and/or hate the Republican junta).

According to their website:
You may have voted blue, but every day you unknowingly help dump millions of dollars into the conservative war chest. By purchasing products and services from companies that donate heavily to conservatives, we have been compromising our own interests as liberals and progressives. is a concerted effort to lift the veil of corporate patronage, so consumers can make informed buying decisions that coincide with their principles.

Currently, we are developing an extensive and interactive website where users will be able to monitor corporate activity in real time. We cannot do this alone; we need an army of Blue buyers to be the eyes and ears of this movement. All we have to do is put our money where our mouth is to make it profitable to be ethical.

Our collective buying power WILL make a difference, and we WILL be heard.

Right now, their list of blue companies is down as they fact-check and the like, but a recent blog entry caught my eye given that CostCo has finally made it's way into Grand Rapids. It seems I may have to become a frequent shopper as they are about as blue as they come (and since they pay their employees an average of $16 an hour I might just be thinking about a new part time job) least better than Sam's Club/WalMart (and who isn't?).


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