into the minds of the masses
Traffic has been down to this site recently, now that I'm not posting three times a day and making Google work quadruply hard to keep up, but I am getting weirder and weirder googlings.
For a long time half of my traffic, maybe more, came from people looking for the cigarette smoking, jack-hammer fearing, mother-to-be, Mellisa Williamson that, I guess, still gets people over here (four in the last twenty). More recently, Juliana Wetmore, the girl born with Treacher Collins syndrome, has brought maybe a quarter of my goolge traffic. Add in the occasional searcher for "nakedme" (a page I had up with a picture of just my face -- a picture that's not there, but a page that still is), or someone looking for virginity being sold on eBay (still my top searches thanks to the fictional Rosy Reid) and that pretty much wraps things up.
Aside from the sociopathic tendencies that might bring one to search for cherries to pop via eBay and the lonely horniness that could lead to searching for blogs with naughty pictures attached -- not that crazy. Except for the few, more random searches...searches that I've been seeing a lot more of lately.
There are searches like "a girl love a girl" that leads people here from Google Japan or roommate lazy unemployed tv frigid that bring visitors form closer to home that have a sort of poetic nature to them. Sometimes reading through the referrer list of search engine hits opens up some window on the psyche of the world. Other times there are hits like the Google search for "little boy haircuts" that include an ever so sarcastic snippet that brighten my day -- knowing that someone out there is thinking along the same lines as I have about one thing or another. Still other times, searches remind me of long forgotten stories I have written about like the animal burial at sea that lead to terrorism paranoia.
I don't know, it all acts, sometimes, as a window into the soul of humanity. Sometimes it is ugly, but sometimes kind of cute...other times, it just makes me feel like I'm not so different after all.
For a long time half of my traffic, maybe more, came from people looking for the cigarette smoking, jack-hammer fearing, mother-to-be, Mellisa Williamson that, I guess, still gets people over here (four in the last twenty). More recently, Juliana Wetmore, the girl born with Treacher Collins syndrome, has brought maybe a quarter of my goolge traffic. Add in the occasional searcher for "nakedme" (a page I had up with a picture of just my face -- a picture that's not there, but a page that still is), or someone looking for virginity being sold on eBay (still my top searches thanks to the fictional Rosy Reid) and that pretty much wraps things up.
Aside from the sociopathic tendencies that might bring one to search for cherries to pop via eBay and the lonely horniness that could lead to searching for blogs with naughty pictures attached -- not that crazy. Except for the few, more random searches...searches that I've been seeing a lot more of lately.
There are searches like "a girl love a girl" that leads people here from Google Japan or roommate lazy unemployed tv frigid that bring visitors form closer to home that have a sort of poetic nature to them. Sometimes reading through the referrer list of search engine hits opens up some window on the psyche of the world. Other times there are hits like the Google search for "little boy haircuts" that include an ever so sarcastic snippet that brighten my day -- knowing that someone out there is thinking along the same lines as I have about one thing or another. Still other times, searches remind me of long forgotten stories I have written about like the animal burial at sea that lead to terrorism paranoia.
I don't know, it all acts, sometimes, as a window into the soul of humanity. Sometimes it is ugly, but sometimes kind of cute...other times, it just makes me feel like I'm not so different after all.
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