Friday, January 7

our anal retentive airwaves

Fox won't show Mickey Roony's ass during the Superbowl, deeming a commercial in which his backside is visible for two seconds is "inappropriate for broadcast".

I actually feel somewhat embarrassed about these sorts of judgement calls by American broadcasters. Are we that afraid of our sexuality here that even the view of an 84-year-old man's butt is "too sexual" for us to see? Really. I can't imagine that many people would be aroused by this, on the contrary, I think people might turn their heads away.

It's sad that we are so afraid of our sexuality that even our naked bodies, even when presented nonsexually, are too disgraceful to show to the world, and that showing them is deemed sexual. I'm suddenly reminded of a friend of a friend who was caught for pissing in an alleyway after the bars closed and put on the sex offenders list here in Michigan for it. Because his wee-wee was exposed, it was equivalent to rape in the eyes of the government. Sweet.


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