Friday, February 11

let me get this straight...

If you are a liberal in this country or otherwise oppose the president's plans in one of many arenas you may be subject to FBI profiling, visits, and the like (or just have a state trooper attend your group's meetings under cover). If you want to protest the president's policies at an event to which he is attending, you must stand way out of the way in designated free speach zones. If you want to drive around this nation's capital, you can't drive in front of the White Houe because 100 yards is just a little too close for comfort. If you want to board a plane in this country, you need to be willing to consent to possible probing and prodding (and possibly strip searched) because we just don't know who the terrorists are...

...but if you are a writer for a fake news agency run by a GOP activist in the president's home state, you can get a White House news conference seat without the fact that you're not who you say you are getting in your way. Something's fucked up about that.


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