Saturday, April 9

paradise lost

It’s a beautiful day (again) and so I went for a ride on my newly repaired bicycle. With nowhere in particular to go, I rode to the cemetery down the way, exploring the tombstones; wondering what demise befell the younger souls (depressing over the infant stones), seeing how far back the birthdates would go (1796). It was peaceful, sharing the place with nobody but the dead and a couple of people doing rubbings of a few markers (at least I hope that that’s what they were doing).

Enough time spent on that, I decided to ride over to a park that overlooks the city that’s about a mile or so from my place. There were softball and baseball games going on below, so I sat and watched an inning or two before walking around, seeing where the park went (since I never have before). Quiet and peaceful it was, blue sky above with little noise but the announcer at the game and chirping songbirds. I left (though not without my horny self thinking this would be a swell place to make-out) to go home, making the mistake of pulling into another small park overlooking the city below.

I turn the corner and there are people on a bench. Kids. Two girls around 11 or 12, still with baby-fat faces and no curves to speak of, and a boy maybe a couple years older. It wasn’t the sudden appearance that grabbed me though…no, it was what they were doing. I may be mistaken (I hope and pray to God and all that is Holy that I was mistaken), but it seems that one of the girls was positioning herself to go down on the guy. Yes, while the other girl was watching. Wanting to in some part shame them – maybe to make them think about what they were doing, where they were doing it, and in front of whom they were doing it – I made a point of not turning around and leaving them alone. I walked slowly past them, the girl positioning herself not noticing me, the girl watching them giving her a nudge. She girl looked up at me with this devilish little girl grin. I threw up a little bit in my mouth. I walked past, disgusted too much to stay and keep them from doing what they were going to do (not that I really think my continued presence would have stopped them)…I rode off, noticing as I rode by the park that they were back at it.

What is society coming to when kids, little kids, are doing this shit? Hell, it wasn't until I was 13 that I even saw a girl's breasts, let alone touched or anything else them -- double let alone other parts. For that matter, it wasn't until I was 13 that I even kissed a girl. Today it's this shit...I think I need a cold shower to wash the sickness away from me.


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