Thursday, April 21

tertiary concerns in the third millenium

Random thinking about things yesterday brought me to the thought of purchasing a car and the subsequent need for car insurance. Car insurance that would set me back $500 every six months -- $80 a month. More than what I was paying for health insurance.

It occurred to me how fucked up that is...that insurance on my health, on my very well being, would be cheaper than insurance on my car. And what would that car insurance get me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Five Hundred bucks would be the cost of insurance not including comprehensive or collision coverage -- just enough to cover my liability for everyone else on the road in that unlikely even that I'd destroy their car.

It says a lot about our society and our values.

I can't own a car without buying insurance. It's required in order to register my car with the state...which I'm required to do if I want to drive on the roads. Not only that, but I am required to contribute to a fund to cover uninsured drivers and the damage that they might do. And my health? No. No requirements, no fund to cover any disease I may contract, no concern by those in power.

I'm trying to wrap my brain around the logic...that our property should be so well protected when our health is not.


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