Monday, May 23

cutting the wire in grand rapids

I was able to attend the "wire-cutting" (clever, ain't it?) ceremony at Rosa Parks Circle this afternoon, initiating the much talked about Beta stage of Mayor Heartwell's Wireless Broadband Initiative. I've mentioned it before, and I'm pretty damned excited, though I'd be moreso if the testing range were two blocks closer to home (and therefore giving me free access). In any case, it's all really starting to get off the ground and due to up in place throughout the city of Grand Rapids by December. Joy.

In other news, while I was down there I saw WZZM's "senior reporter" Peter Ross get out of his station's Ford Explorer and walk imediately to rival station WOOD-TV's news vehicle and try to open the passenger door. It was locked and he walked away without further incident. Very weird I must say.


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