Tuesday, May 31

a good read

If you have the time, you might want to look at the blog of Darth Vader... Just a taste:
I woke up this morning in a foul humour coupled with the determination not to spend another day staring at the walls in my hyperbaric chamber. In fact, I smashed my hyperbaric chamber -- which may have been overzealous, but it felt really good.

Klaxons rang out and a platoon of stormtroopers rushed through the doors. I pushed past them and into the corridor, breezing past a flotilla of stunned-looking repair droids and into the lift. While it ran through the levels I cracked my knuckles and grumbled to myself. Blasted Palpatine! Blasted galaxy!
And, of course, the Comic-Book-Guy-like comments that follow each post are good for a chuckle too. Stuff like:
Forgive my my arrogance and ignorance.

"Flexed my animatronic prosthetic fingers beyond specifications" might be more accurate considering your lack of biological fingers and associated knuckles.


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