Thursday, May 19

the hypocrisy is killing me

Anne Coulter is pissed off. Pissed off because Newsweek reported on the Quran/Gotmo story and didn't report on oval office bjs during the previous admnistration.

Aside from her usual hate-mongering and ignorance (when was Bill Clinton convicted -- or even indicted -- for raping anyone?), she asks a good question: "But Newsweek couldn't wait a moment to run a story that predictably ginned up Islamic savages into murderous riots in Afghanistan, leaving hundreds injured and 16 dead. Who could have seen that coming?"

But I have another good question: how can a story in a magazine compare to bad intelligence leading to the bombings of a house in Mosul, a wedding party in Western Iraq, or another wedding party in Afghanistan? Or what about the (in)famous Abu Ghraib prison? What about the leaked mistreatment of transported captives or shooting of unarmed prisoners (and the soldier then getting off -- Bill O'Reily saying he should be promoted)? Can a bad media report, later retracted, ever compare to unapologetic empirialistic stormtrooping directed from the top?

I don't know, it seems we're already doing more than enough around the world to promote anti-American sentiments (you know, the stuff that drives people to fly planes into buildings) than anything Newsweek could ever say, report, or do. But of course they're the "liberal media" so it's so much worse.


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