Friday, July 15

right here, right now

I'm sitting in the lobby of the hospital in order to utilize the city's free wifi in air conditioned comfort but a lady is sitting next to me on her cell phone, discussing in graphic detail the birth that she just witnessed. I've heard about the birther's uterus, her birth canal, the placenta, and umbilical cord...and lots of blood and complications and stuff.

I'm sitting here, two or three feet away from her, sitting in a perpendicularly set up chair and she's going on and on about this. In other words, she's well aware of the fact that I'm sitting here. No doubt about it.

It's weird. Not rude, so much, as I don't really care...just weird that this woman has no qualms discussing such graphic, gory, and personal things when I could so easily overhear. I mean, she has to know I can hear can she not? But she doesn't care...placentas and vaginas and uteri (?) in all their glory, shared with perfect strangers. anyway...


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