Thursday, August 25

the light at the end of the tunnel

I've been pretty pissed off lately -- pissed off at the world and people in general. I reached my breaking point when it came to people bitching about the problems that they caused for themselves and didn't have the balls to admit they did so -- rather blaming anyone and anything else. Every day for a week there was something on every news broadcast about gas prices and how it was hurting those who wanted to drive gas guzzlers or avoid riding public transit when they could; there were lawsuits filed by idiots (my fav being an 85-year-old grandmother suing Rock Star games because she bought her grandson a raunchy game) trying to avoid all semblance of personal responsibility; and of course the whole Bush being an asshole on vacation while the military is being sniped to death in the Middle East. Oh, and let's not forget Herr Robertson -- the fuck.

Anyway, I'm chilling out. I'm avoiding the bar (I've been drinking heavily four to six nights a week over the last month or so) and reeling myself back into reality. My rage overload coming to an end as I give up caring once is the plight of the empathetic soul in our days -- I become so sick in a world so full of self-hate and idiocy that could all be overcome if people just didn't take everything for granted.

In any case, I've been avoiding too many posts in part because I'm sick of bitching myself (and in part that I can't seem to connect to Blogger from the WiFi I get at home -- weak signal). Maybe I'll post more again...actually, I'm sure I will. Next week I start taking another two classes on my way to getting my masters degree...I'll have a good, strong signal at least two nights a week. Until then, I just everyone to know that I'm becoming okay again.

Peace out.


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