Wednesday, August 24

pat robertson: super "christian"

It's been all over news already, but Pat Robertson yesterday suggested that Hugo Chavez of Venezuela should be assassinated. This, of course, coming from the man who suggested that the State Department be nuked, has done plenty of business with African dictator Chuck Taylor, and has claimed American Judges of being "worse than Al Qaeda".

Pat Robertson, who has regular discussions with God (such as the one in which God told him Bush would win by a landslide in 2004), is clearly a man of God...but as a man of God, I just cannot have any sort of faith in that god. His god is a god of hate and killing, and assholishness. His god, the god of many in the "christian" Right, is such a horrible, horrible, wretched being to want so much blood spilled -- the blood of Iraqis, Afghanis, or just about anyone not an Anglo-American. He's not the God that I believe in, not the God of whom Jesus spoke and represented, not the God that is Love.

I wish that people like Pat Robertson and Falwell and all their millions of followers realized what giant duchebags they all fucking misguided they are in their hearts. I don't even know how they can believe this shit...and I wish they knew that it is exactly things like this that have pushed me, and millions of others, away from their fellowships. We have seen the blackness of their hearts, the hypocrisy of their faith, and the very un-Christ-like "god" that they worship.


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