Saturday, September 17

i don't know

I haven't been in the mood to write much lately. Scratch that, when I have been wanting to write, it's been while at home where for some unknown reason Blogger doesn't want to connect through my very limited WiFi signal. So I don't do it. Perhaps I should write stuff on my offline time and upload later, but that doesn't really do much for me either...most of what I want to say, I want to say when I say it...not sometime afterward. It doesn't do anything for me.

In any case, I've quit smoking (again). I'm sick of the achy lung thing. Even though I've saved most of my smoking as a side-dish to still feel the need to smoke on your off days to kepe the nichotine levels up there. I'm going to be grouchy, I'm going to be bitchy, and I'm probably going to give into the temptation at least a couple times in the coming week or so...but I'm hoping this is the last time I quit.


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