Saturday, October 29

christmas project '05

I'm really impressed by the work that Heifer International does -- that is, provides livestock to the starving nd poor of the world -- and I have a site that draws 20-30 people a day on average. As such, I'm starting a project to raise money for the group.

Between now and Christmas I will be accepting donations on behalf of Heifer. Come Christmas, whatever is collected will be sent on behalf of the readers of this site towards the purchase of livestock for people in need. Any money above and beyond the price of an animal will be donated as a cah donation to Heifer to be used as they see best fit. If not enough money is raised for the purchase of an animal, all money that has been donated by you guys will similarly be donated to Heifer as a cash donation (again, on behlaf of the readers of this blog) to be used as they see best fit.

The goal, as I see it, is to raise $120 for a goat. It would be totally kick ass to raise $500 for a Heifer and I'll still be happy if we only raise the $20 for a flock of chicks. Addtionally, I hope that I can at least make Heifer aware to a few more people...and if you want to make a donation on your own, DO IT!!!

A link to this post will be provided at the top of the right-hand column along with a donate button (the paypal button doesn't want to work in a post for whatever reason). I will also try to update totals as they grow (hopefully they grow -- I'm seeding it with $10). Feel free to contribute more than once, this is a good cause.

The Total:


thus far...


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