Monday, October 3

revenge of the little guy

So the RIAA has been throwing six and seven-figure fines all over the place for the whole file-sharing thing, but it seems that they may have thrown one at the wrong person. Tanya Andersen is countersuing the RIAA for Oregon RICO violations. It seems that the RIAA claims that the 41 year old, disabled, single mother was downloading gangsta rap at 4am...Tanya claiming she isn't up that late, doesn't listen to gangsta rap, and hasn't downloaded a single song.

What I find scariest is the tactics of the RIAA that it exposes. Whereas I always imagined them going around trying to download music and filing claim against those they successfully downloaded from (the same basic tactic used in other internet stings), they are actively going out and searching computers of suspected people. Yes, someone, somewhere suspected Tanta of downloading music so they made their way to secretly searching her computer.

Grand, ain't it?

Let's hope she is awarded billions and the RIAA's fascist witch hunt can end.


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