Wednesday, October 12

too close for comfort

If anyone tried to visit this site last night or early this morning (I assume) they would have seen a "verboten" page in German that 1and1 replaced all my web pages with. Freaked out that I'd been hacked I went to their site and discovered that they had cut me off for not paying the bill on too URLs that I own but don't really use...not because I meant to, but because the bank changed my credit card numbers. To make things worse, they had an e-mail address on file that I haven't been using -- so they couldn't get a hold of me.

In any case (I need to learn to stave off the details man), I went to check something on here last night and was verboted...and it freaked me out. It's been way too long since I've backed up this blog (because it's so damn huge it takes up tons of time and bandwidth) and I thought I lost it all...every little bit. That sucked. Suddenly I had a sense of what it must be like to loose all one's family photograph in a house fire; never to see them again.

Luckily, google caches everything so I spent an hour searching out the cache version of every single month (back to what still exists over at blogspot) and saving it to my computer. I was desparate.

Anyway, it was a reminder that I need to back up my stuff -- and that so should you. You never know when these sorts of things can occur; online or in real life.


Blogger daniel said...

backups are good...there is a backup copy of me orbiting the earth in a cloaked spacecraft...just in case...

seriously...i saw the "verboten" message too...i was worried that you had disappeared, never to return...glad to see you are back!

Sunday, October 16, 2005 12:57:00 PM  
Blogger kyle said...

Oh, even if I lost the site, it would be back...eventually. It might take me a week or two, but it would be back.

Of course, without the recent backup it would have been a bit scarce. That would've sucked.

Anyway, good to hear from you, you haven't commented in awhile!

Sunday, October 16, 2005 5:26:00 PM  

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