Wednesday, November 2

another door

So I'm talking with one of my professors last night about the possibilities of him knowing of any internship possibilities and he brings up the idea that I should jsut go on to get my doctorate while I'm still at a point in my life where I could rather easily. He's mentioned it before, as have a few others (I seem to scream the ability and talent to my profs...what can I say?), but I have always shrugged it off as being something that I don't want to do. But it struck a chord last night...the idea of continuing another two years after what will already be two years when I get my Masters (I would definitely go to a school that's more condusive to a truly full-time schedule) isn't as scary as the three to four years that presented themselves before I even started...and it would be good for me, open twice as many doors as my masters will, which will already open five times as many doors as were open for me before... And it would prevent me from having to enter "the real world" for yet another couple years.

"Dr. Kyle"? I don't know, but it's more possible right now than at any time since undergrad...maybe more so. This is going to require some thought....


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