Friday, November 4

the future is damned

With so many reasons to avoid Abercrombie & Fitch (like their use of too-young models and the fact tthat they have zombieized a generation of consumers with their complete and total bullshit), I guess it can only be said that I support this boycott, or girlcott. It's good to see kids standing up for something other than some trite, ridiculous protest...God knows the president got re-elected because the little fuckers* couldn't get off their asses to vote. Kids these days will do or say anything, sell them selves out completely, to be "cool"...and they don't even know they're doing it.

It is good that girls like 16-year-old girlcott organizer Emma Blackman-Mathis are out there (and getting themselves on the Today Show -- rock on!), but there's just not enough of them.

Take Tawana Clark, for instance, who is quoted as saying: "I think it's only older people that have a problem with it. Teenagers don't have a problem with it." (this aside fromt he fact that the girlcott is being organized by a bunch of high school girls...Tawana being 20) Grow up Tawana...quit being such a tool.

*terminology stolen from the late, great Hunter S. Thompson.


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